+61 7 3844 5555

In our previous post (click here to read), we outlined what businesses are eligible for the Queensland Government’s Business Support Grant. The Grant is to provide support for the funding of business expenses.

If you think that your business is eligible for the COVID-19 Business Support Grant, the next question then to consider is how to apply for the Grant.

How Does My Business Apply for the Grant?
An online application must be submitted through the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) portal. You may need to register for a QRIDA portal login or check your existing login.

The QRIDA portal is the only avenue via which applications will be accepted. The only exception will be the $1,000 Grant made available to eligible non-employing sole traders; details about the application process for this grant are yet to be released by the government.

Applications must be submitted by businesses directly, rather than by any third parties (e.g., accountants).

Applications opened at midday on 16 August 2021 and will close on 16 November 2021. There is no cap on the number of grants available, so all eligible businesses who apply during the three-month application period will receive funding.

What Supporting Evidence Must be Submitted with the Application for the Grant?

Applicants are required to demonstrate:

  • They employ staff (other than employed business owners), by providing supporting documents including:
    • Business financial statements, payroll records, payroll tax return information; OR
    • A dated letter on letterhead issued by a Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent or BAS Agent.
  • An annual payroll of up to $10 million during any of the financial years ended 30 June 2019, 2020 or 2021, by supplying:
    • Business payroll records, payroll tax return information; OR
    • A dated letter on letterhead issued by a Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent or BAS Agent.

This condition does not to have be satisfied by large tourism and hospitality businesses, who operate in the defined industries within this sector outlined here.

  • Annual turnover of greater than $75,000 during any of the financial years ended 30 June 2019, 2020 or 2021, by supplying:
    • BAS statements or ATO records; OR
    • A dated letter on letterhead issued by a Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent or BAS Agent.
  • They have experienced a reduction in turnover of 30% or more over a nominated seven-day period (including at least one full day of a lockdown event) compared against the same seven-day period in 2019 (or another seven-day period nominated by the applicant if the comparable period in 2019 is not indicative of the business’ typical weekly turnover).
    • Indirectly impacted businesses either must submit sales turnover information for the relevant periods, OR must supply a dated letter on letterhead issued by a Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent or BAS Agent.


  • Their trading location, by providing:
    • Publicly available web information which identifies business operations (e.g., the business’ website or social media pages); OR
    • Utility bills for the business location.

What Happens Once the Application is Submitted?

The application will be assessed by QRIDA, and the applicant will be notified of the outcome via email. Following assessment and approval of the grant, payment of the initial $5,000 amount will be made within two weeks into the applicant’s nominated bank account.

The Queensland Government reserves the right to audit grant recipients. Therefore, you must retain copies of all evidence submitted as part of the application.

Additionally, successful applicants will be required to complete and submit an acquittal survey within three to six months after funding has been provided and answer how they used the grant funds. It is a condition of the funding that it be used for business expenses. Failure to comply with this condition may result in the Queensland Government demanding a return of the grant funding.

Date Published: 17 August 2021.


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