+61 7 3844 5555

Are you a small-medium sized business owner expected to grow your business in the next 2 years? You may be eligible for round 6 of the Business Growth Fund.


Administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business & Training (DESBT), The Business Growth Fund (BGF) targets high-growth businesses looking to accelerate growth, drive Queensland’s economy, and employ more Queenslanders.

The program is designed to provide funding for eligible small-medium businesses to assist in purchasing highly specialised equipment. Looking to level up your business? This funding could assist you in increasing growth potential and production, expanding your workforce, and maximising economic returns.

Successful applicants have an opportunity to access between $50,000 – $75,000 (excluding GST) of funding per project (if eligible).


So, what makes a business eligible?

Your Queensland Business must be:

  • Established (5 years min trading history)
  • Financially sound ($500,000 min turnover in FY23)
  • Small to medium-sized (5-49 headcount)
  • Capacity for high-growth within the next 2 years


In this case, high-growth businesses are defined as having an average annual 20% increase in turnover, and/or employment in the last 2 years. To be eligible, you must also be able to fund at least 40% of your project costs.

The eligibility criteria can be found via the Business Queensland website. We highly encourage business owners to investigate their eligibility and explore the advantages the BGF may offer.


Interested in applying?

Expressions of interests are open as of Wednesday, 1 May 2024 and end Tuesday, 14 May 2024. You can read more information about the detailed application process on the Business Queensland website, confirm your eligibility and apply.


Have more questions? Please call or click to get in touch with The Macro Group Team.

The Macro Group Team


Date: 09/05/2024

The Macro Group Limited AFSL:485843 Tax Agent Number 24 76 5236.

The information in this article  contains general information only. We have not taken into consideration any of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before taking any action, you should consider whether the general advice contained in this communication is appropriate to you having regard to your circumstances and needs, and seek appropriate professional advice if you think you need it. We recommend that you consult a licensed or authorised financial adviser if you require financial advice that takes into account your personal circumstances.


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