+61 7 3844 5555

One of the support measures introduced by the NSW and Commonwealth Governments to help NSW businesses during the current COVID-19 lockdown is the JobSaver Payment for businesses with annual aggregated turnover between $75,000 and $250 million for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

If the eligibility criteria are satisfied and the application is subsequently approved, successful applicants will receive fortnightly payments, equivalent to the value of 40 per cent of their average weekly payroll for employees who usually worked for them during the BAS period immediately prior to 26 June 2021. These payments however are capped at a minimum amount of $1,500 per week and a maximum amount of $100,000 per week for businesses. For non-employing businesses, the payment will be capped at a flat amount of $1,000 per week. These fortnightly payments, backdated to 18 July 2021, will be transferred to applicants’ bank accounts automatically throughout the duration of the Scheme.

Below we have summarised the eligibility criteria and key dates for the JobSaver Scheme. Please note that applications are open to 18 October 2021.


Eligibility Criteria

  • A business or non-for-profit organisation in a highly impacted industry must:
    • Have had an Australian Business Number (ABN) registered in NSW or can demonstrate that it was operating in NSW as at 1 June 2021;
    • Have experienced a decline in turnover of 30 per cent or more due to the Public Health Order over a minimum two-week period from 26 June 2021 to 30 July 2021 compared to the same period in 2019; and
    • Maintain their Employee Headcount (permanent employees or casual staff employed for at least 12 months as at 13 July 2021), with voluntary staff resignations excepted from this condition.


  • A non-employing business in a highly impacted industry must:
    • Satisfy the above criteria, with the exception of the Employee Headcount condition;
    • Be the primary income source for its owner; and
    • Demonstrate that no persons associated with the business have received a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment since 18 July 2021.

Note that businesses or non-for-profit organisations not in a highly impacted industry will still be eligible to receive the JobSaver payments if they:

  • Satisfy the above presented eligibility criteria; and
  • Submit a letter from an Independent Practitioner (qualified accountant, registered tax or BAS Agent) declaring that the applicant has experienced the required decline in turnover.

Importantly, businesses not operating for the full years to 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2021 (for example, new businesses) may still be eligible to apply by contacting Service NSW on 13 77 88 to determine if an alternate comparison period can be applied.


How to Apply?

Applications may be made online through Service NSW by an owner of the business, or a person authorised to apply on behalf of business or non-for-profit organisation.

Applicants must declare:

  • Their required decline of 30 per cent or more in turnover;
  • Their Employee Headcount;
  • That they will maintain their Employee Headcount for the period for which the business is receiving payments under the Scheme;
  • That the business is the primary income source for the owner (in the case of non-employing businesses).

In addition, applicants must submit:

  • Their 2020 Australian income tax returns, Notices of Assessments or other documentation to demonstrate compliance with the aggregated annual turnover criterion;
  • Details of their Independent Practitioner (qualified accountant, registered tax or BAS Agent);
  • Evidence of average weekly payroll, as per a copy of the of the most recent BAS submitted to the ATO prior to 26 June 2021; and
  • Any other supporting documentation required to demonstrate satisfaction of the eligibility criteria.

Please click on this link for further information or call or email us to discuss with a Macro Team member today.


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+61 7 3844 5555

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